Monthly Archives: August 2024

What is a Special Needs Trust?
If you have a disabled child or another loved one who is disabled, part of your estate planning process should be thinking about establishing a special needs trust (also known more simply as an SNT). While there are many different types of trusts that can be created in Connecticut and can provide benefits to… Read More »

What Are Countable Assets for Medicaid Planning?
As we get into our 40s and 50s, many of us have aging parents who need to learn more about Medicaid planning and long-term care options. Not only is it important for adult children to understand how the law works so that they can help their parents and other elderly relatives, but many adult… Read More »

How Does Medicaid Planning Involve Asset Protection?
Whether you have parents who are getting to the age where they could soon require some form of long-term care, or you are starting to think about retirement in the next decade or so yourself and how to make financial plans for the future that take into account potential health needs, it is important… Read More »

What is a Power of Attorney?
Whether you are in your 40s, 50s, or older, it is critical to think about estate planning and the documents that you will need to have in place to protect yourself and your family. One important type of document is the power of attorney (often simply called a POA), and it is important to… Read More »