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Category Archives: Elder Law


Medicaid Planning and Long-Term Care in Connecticut: What to Consider

By Brian S. Karpe |

Anyone who is currently in their 50s or assisting aging parents with nursing home care and assisted-living facility considerations is realizing that it is about the time that they begin thinking about these issues for themselves, too. To be sure, although it may still be more than a decade or two before you may… Read More »

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What Should I Know About Title XIX?

By Brian S. Karpe |

Whether you are starting to think ahead about Medicaid planning and long-term care issues for yourself, or your elderly parents are in need of immediate assistance due to a need for long-term care and options for paying for a nursing home, it is important to know about Title XIX. If you have started to… Read More »

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Top Reasons To Adjust Nutrition with Age

By Brian S. Karpe |

Healthy eating is important for everyone of any age. As we get older, though, maintaining our health to the best of our ability is critical. An aging body needs as much support as possible to stay strong so that we can maintain independence in life. Too many people, though, do not adjust their eating… Read More »

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Tips for Dealing with Stress and Burnout as a Caregiver

By Brian S. Karpe |

Taking care of an older loved one is a rewarding and noble thing to do. Nevertheless, it is also one of the most stressful jobs. Even the most flexible and resilient individuals can feel the strain and stress of caring for an elderly family member. With time, the demands of the role and the… Read More »

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Comparing Medicaid and Medicare

By Brian S. Karpe |

It can be easy to get the Medicare and Medicaid programs mixed up. They sound similar, and they are both government-sponsored programs that can help people who need financial assistance for health coverage and services. But, these programs are not the same, and their eligibility also varies. If you are planning for the future… Read More »

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Medicaid’s 2023 Spousal Impoverishment Adjustment

By Brian S. Karpe |

It is imperative to have up-to-date information when you are estate and long-term care planning. How you manage your money will matter if you have a spouse who must live in a nursing home or other long-term care facility. The government has very detailed and specific rules about what assets you can have while… Read More »

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How To Find An In-home Caregiver

By Brian S. Karpe |

It is a noble and respectable goal to take on the very involved and important job of caring for your older loved one who can no longer live independently and care for themselves. Still, while you may have the resources and tools to do so, you would not be alone if you came to… Read More »

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Foot/Leg Issues Covered By Medicare

By Brian S. Karpe |

As we get older, health issues tend to crop up. We may be plagued by leg and foot problems that make it hard to walk and move around. Plantar fasciitis, bunions, and varicose veins are bothersome health concerns that can cause a lot of pain. While it’s important to get prompt medical care to… Read More »

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2023 Medicare Update

By Brian S. Karpe |

With the recent hard-sell and subsequent popularity of Medicare Advantage health plans, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced significant marketing requirement changes for those insurance representatives that sell Medicare Advantage and/or traditional Medical supplement insurance policies. The CMS updated marketing rules to say: The following disclaimer must be mentioned within the… Read More »

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Why It Could Be Beneficial To Spend Down Savings

By Brian S. Karpe |

Just in the name alone, savings denotes funds that are put aside and not touched unless necessary or to be spent at a later time. This is true throughout life. People should put some money that they make from each paycheck away for savings. In time, those funds will accumulate and can be a… Read More »

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